T1 Focus: Wellbeing

Famous Personality Types

The Enneagram Personality charts are a great way to discover your strengths and understand your weaknesses.

  1. Firstly start by picking one of these sites to take the test. You can keep your answers to yourself or share with a friend.

  2. Find out what Number Type you are from 1-9, and have a read about what it says about this type.

  3. Do you think any of these comments are accurate? What are the Pros and Cons of Personality tests?

  4. Pick someone under the "Famous Persons" section under your Enneagram Type on Truity. Is there anyone that you think you have a lot in common with?

  5. Pick 2-3 Growth Tips for your Type and put them into your own words.

Cognitive Biases

Your brain has formed to think in specific ways. Sometimes the patterns we look for or the way we think can trick us. Its very interesting to analyze these tricks, as the more aware we are then the better we can make decisions!

  1. Have a look at the first link below, which Cognitive Bias do you think happens to you most often?

Being Employable

Questions for your Journal:

How are you going to stand out when you apply for a Job?

What special qualities or skills are you going to display to capture an employer's attention?

Have a look at the goals we created as a class last lesson. Pick 3 and turn them into personal goals that make apply to you.

RnR's Employment Goals.pdf

Driving Learners

My Mahi

What are Treaties?

  1. What is the definition of a Treaty?

  2. Pick a Treaty from the link on the left. Give a brief background to the treaty and who was involved?

  3. Is the Treaty still observed today, or has it been removed/broken?

  4. How does this treaty compare to our own Tiriti o Waitangi? Did the outcome favor one side more than the other?