2.4 Mechanics

Mechanics Resources

Hello 12 Phys. This spot will be where you can find important resources as we move through mechanics.

Video Resource Site: http://gzscienceclassonline.weebly.com/ncea-l2-physics.html

SciPad Answers: Found here

Or if link doesn't work use QR code at the back of your book.

Practice Questions / Flash cards / Learning Checklist / Equation Sheets: http://www.nobraintoosmall.co.nz/html/senior_physics/NCEA2_physics_mechanics.html

Another Revision Site:


Mechanics External Term 1

Week one: Pgs 127 - 130 Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration

Week two: Pgs 131-134 Graphs and Kinematics

Week three: Pgs 135 - 139 Vectors and Relative Velocity

Week four: Pgs 140 - Motion under Gravity and Projectile Motion.

Week five: Pgs - End of Chapter Review

Motion under gravity

Here are some helpful tips for motion under gravity:

Use your Kinematic equations!

If an object is dropped, then initial velocity = 0.

Acceleration due to gravity is 9.81. The sign (+ or -) depends on which direction you have labeled positive.

Horizontal component of your initial velocity when (e.g. for a ball being kicked) stays the same and does not slow down.

Mechanics External Term 2

Week one: Pgs 158 - 170 on Forces and Centripetal motion

Week two: Pgs 171 - 183 on Torque, Equilibrium and Centre of Mass.

Week three: Pgs 184 - 193 on Double pivot and Angled support forces. End of Chapter Test.

Week four: Pgs 196 - 205 on Energy, Work and Power.

Week five: Pgs 206 - 218 on Momentum. End of Chapter Test.