Term 1: Chemistry

Atomic Science

Safety in the Lab!

Learn: Complete the Lab Safety sheet. Pick one rule about being safe in the lab and either on a physical poster or on Canva, create a poster that can be displayed on the wall to help students (and yourself!) remember how to act safely. Some inspiration below:

Week 1

Learn: SciPad pgs 6-11

This week we are starting our first Chemistry Topic: Atomic Science!

These pages will get you thinking about what everything is made up of and what is the difference between a chemical and physical change. Have a look at the first video on the right for a nice animated video.

Week 2

Learn: SciPad pgs 12-17

ATOMS Quizlet here

Create: A blog about a topic or experiment we have done in class this topic, or a poster about your favourite element with atomic structure, name, and uses. A format you can use:

If I were a metal element I’d like to be ____________ and my symbol is ___________
My atomic number is _____ which means I have _______ protons in my nucleus and __________electrons around my nucleus.
At room temperature (20C) I will be a (solid/liquid.gas)
My melting point (the temperature when I turn from solid to liquid) is _______
My boiling point (the temperature when I change from liquid to gas) is ______
I was first discovered by (give person, country and date)
I am found in nature as (eg name of rock which contains me)
My uses to humans are: (Write in full sentences – not notes)
Some interesting things about me are: (Write in full sentences – not notes)

Share: Post your blog or hand in your poster to share.

Week 3

Learn: SciPad pgs 15-20 ions Balancing Equations

Create Experiments: Alkali Metals in Water, Heating Zinc Oxide, Coloured Flame Chemicals, Atom Models.

Share: Pick two of the experiments above that we have done in class and write up the Aim, Method, Results and Discussion, sharing them in a blog.

Acids and Bases

Learn Week 4: SciPad pgs 26-30 Week 5: SciPad pgs 31-34 Week 6: SciPad pgs 35-41

(There is a topic test in the last period of the week)

Experiments: Testing household chemical pH, Making Indicators, Making Salts, Acid Rain.

Create: Complete the Acid and Base test. Then, a blog/poster about a topic or experiment we have done in class, such as"What is Acid Rain" , How Anti-Acid tablets work". Share your blog.

Your Experiment Blogs should have sections: Aim, Method, Results and a Discussion which you talk about the science concepts you have shown or learnt.

Your Topic Blogs should ask questions such as: What is Acid Rain, How is it caused, What affect does it have on the environment, How can it be reduced?

One Option is to look at Ocean Acidification through Eggshells!


Week 7: SciPad pgs 48-5 Week 8: SciPad pgs 52-53 Week 9: SciPad pgs 54-55

Week 10: SciPad pgs 56-59 (There is a topic test in the last period of the week)

Experiments: Burning Magnesium under water, Dissolving Can in Acid, Rusting nails in acid, The Hydrogen Pop Test, The Re-ignition Oxygen Test, Turn a Coin Gold.

Create: Complete the Metallurgy test. Then, a blog/poster about a topic or experiment we have done in class, such as"What is an Alloy , How can Magnesium Burn under water, How can a coin appear to have turned to Gold, What Metals are used in Cellphones, How is metal used to make swords and weapons?". Share your blog.

Your Experiment Blogs should have sections: Aim, Method, Results and a Discussion which you talk about the science concepts you have shown or learnt.

Your Topic Blogs should ask questions such as: What are 3 examples of Alloys, how are they made, what special properties do they have?

Gold Coin Experiment

Rn Turning Copper Into Gold SMU.docx

Hydrogen Power