2.5 Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Atoms and Nuclear Physics Internal

Level 2 Physics (int) sciPAD Interactive answers.pdf

Internal SciPad Answers

Week seven: Pgs 48 - 59 on the Atomic, Isotopes and Radiation.

Learn: Try these PHET simulations here.

Week eight : Pgs 60 - 69 on Ionization, Decay and Half-Life.

Week nine: Pgs 70 - 79 on Nuclear Reactions, Fission, Fusion and applications.

Week ten: Pgs 80 - 88 Revision. Internal Assessment.

Assessment instructions:

I hope you all had a good time at UC, I think its a valuable experience to see what being in a Uni lab is really like.

1. The booklets we have will be used for the internal. If you flick through you will see it contains a combination of questions from the first session, tables and graphs from the 2nd session, and some other questions for you to complete in the final section.

2. ALL of these need to be completed to gain full marks. The quality of your answers in the explain questions will determine the difference between Merit and Excellence.

3. You may wish to re-do many of the answers you started while at UC, this is fine. Either do this on paper or in a doc, with the question numbers clearly labeled. Write the question itself if possible. Same for the graphs, I will have graph paper if you wish to re-do these.

4. "So what am I actually doing, how do I know what to do?" I am going to give you the scipad page numbers which covers the topics for each page in the assessment booklet. Once you have done the matching Scipad page, you should know everything you need to answer the assessment booklet page. Here are the page numbers:

Assessment pages 4-5: Scipad pages 56, 59, 60 (Most parts were covered in the US session).

Assessment pages 6-8: Scipad pages 48 - 52

Assessment pages 9: Scipad page 74, 72 (Compare Fission and Fusion for Q3)

Assessment pages 11-13: Practical from lab, make sure it is a smooth curve graph!

Assessment pages 14: Results from your experiment and Scipad pages 59,60

Assessment pages 18-20: Practical from lab, graph 1-20mins on x axis, corrected counts y axis, and a best fit smooth curve. Page 55, 66 for page 20.

Assessment pages 21-23: These are important for Merit and Excellence. All pages from 64-74 have information that will help you. Again use pages 59,60 for ionizing and penetrative ability.

Currently the due date is Friday 8th July 3pm. Please include any paper or print off any docs that you have used to add to your answers and include them in the booklet on hand in.

Any questions please ask. Class will consist of independent work in this internal and the scipad till the end of term.