Term 3: Biology

Medical Science

Broken bones

Every lesson complete the starter activity on the screen.

Learn: Complete Sci-pad pages 173 - 175.

Create: In groups of 2-3, write a short story about either a real or made up accident in which someone breaks several bones. Using a long reel of paper, draw the outline of the body from the accident (along with all the clothes and from the story!) Draw in the major skeleton bones from the sci-pad diagram and include some breaks from the accident in your story.

Share: Individually post your group's story and poster explaining the purpose of the skeleton and what bones have broken. Publish your blog.

Comment on another person's blog, remember to be thoughtful, constructive and ask a question!

Massive muscles

Every lesson complete the starter activity on the screen.

Learn Sci-pad pages 176 - 179.

Create Activity: https://www.instructables.com/id/Robotic-Hand-Science-Project/

Experiment: Demonstration Chicken Leg Dissection

Share Blog: What did you see during the Chicken Leg dissection? Take photos of each part of the leg and label what their role is on your blog.

Comment on another person's blog, remember to be thoughtful, constructive and ask a question!

Joints and tendons

Every lesson complete the starter activity on the screen.

Learn: Complete Sci-pad pages 180 - 181.

Create Activity: Create a robotic hand. In pairs follow the instructions and diagram to make a working model of a hand that uses ligaments and joints to move.

Share Blog: Share a picture of your robotic hand with steps you took to make it and label the parts.

Comment on another person's blog, remember to be thoughtful, constructive and ask a question!

Blood and vessels

Every lesson complete the starter activity on the screen.

Learn Complete Sci-pad pages 182 - 183.

Share Activity: Blog with pictures what you learnt about the Pig and Cow bones and joints we have looked at in class. How does the body make blood? What do white blood cells do? What are the different blood types?

Comment on another person's blog, remember to be thoughtful, constructive and ask a question!

The Heart

Every lesson complete the starter activity on the screen.

Learn Complete Sci-pad pages 184 - 190.

Experiment: Heart Dissection

Create: Activity complete page 188 on heart attacks by placing the numbering the boxes. Then, In pairs you are to produce a poster with the headings on page 189. This poster is supposed to be helpful for the general public and attention capturing!

Share Blog: Record your group's heart dissection with photos explaining the steps you took with labels.

Comment on another person's blog, remember to be thoughtful, constructive and ask a question!

Respiration and Breathing

Every lesson complete the starter activity on the screen.

Learn: Complete Sci-pad pages 191 - 195.

Create Experiment: Burning Twisties!

Share Blog: Smoking facts: Find 3 facts about how smoking has negative health affects. Compare smoking and vaping: What are the Pros and Cons of each? Anaerobic exercises: How does burning a Twistie represent a similar reaction to the respiration your body does.

Comment on another person's blog, remember to be thoughtful, constructive and ask a question!


Every lesson complete the starter activity on the screen.

Learn: Complete Sci-pad pages 196 - 191.

Create: A poster detailing the similarities and differences between the male and female reproductive systems. Optional; include an example of asexual reproduction in plants.

Comment on another person's blog, remember to be thoughtful, constructive and ask a question!

Genetics and Evolution

Extracting DNA Experiment

Create: A blog summarizing the steps and outcome of the Experiment.

Share: Post your blog!

Learn: Complete up to pg 131 in Scipad on Sexual vs Asexual reproduction.

Create: A Poster with diagrams and showing the connection between: Alleles, Gene, DNA, Chromosome, Punnet Square.

Variation and DNA

We have completed a DNA experiment in class and looked at variation in eye colour and hand-span in class.

Carry on with sciPAD pages 134 to 136 this week including cutting out the DNA model and having a go at constructing it! You can colour code in the letters on page 137 for a more visual representation.

Karyotypes and Punnett Squares

sciPAD pages 139 to 144 this week including cutting out the Karyotypes and having a go at matching the chromosomes on page 139. These videos below should be helpful. If you are on SCIPad online, have a go at the first 4 lessons and content activities under Book 2 -> Genetics and Evolution.

Zombie Creator


  1. Click on this link to explore the drag and drop activity.

  2. Take this quiz.

  3. Have a go at this revision game.

Mutations and Natural Selection

SCIPad pages 150 to 157 this week. This is all about how DNA can change and cause mutations, and how these mutations can cause living things to change over time! If you finish this you can also have a go at the cutting out activity on pages 158 - 161 in which you make a timescale of animals during different times in history.


Answer these in a blog post please.

  1. First read the diagram on the left about Natural Selection.

In your own words explain a scenario an animal might find itself in where a random mutation makes it better at surviving like the orange beetles.

  1. Watch the video below on Myths of Evolution. Answer these questions:

Why wouldn't the giraffes grow longer necks just because the trees were tall?

What needs to happen in order for a gene to become more common?

Fossils and Vestigial Structures

Questions for your blog:

  1. What is a transitional fossil?

  2. Name 3 interesting discoveries we have made from fossil records?

  3. What is a Vestigial Structure? Use this link to find a human Vestigial Structure and take a guess as to what it says about what we have evolved from.


Topic Review

SCIPad pages 163 to 171 this week. These pages will finish off the Genetics and Evolution topic. Please have a go at the end of chapter review questions.