Number Sense Supports

Graham Fletcher 

These short videos and resources explain where students need to begin and progress as they build Number Sense.  This may help with planning intervention for students missing these skills.  (Content from Graham Fletcher at

Early Number & Counting

Video  Image

Addition & Subtraction

Video  Image 


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Video  Image 

Fresh Ideas and Resources

Subitizing cards, adding to multiplication, etc

Strategies and Ideas to Support Number Sense

Number Sense ebook 

Foundational skills needed for number sense with suggestions

(Christina Tondevold)

The SaskMath site has more info on Developing Number Sense

Building Elem Math Fluency Starter Kit


Flexibility, accuracy, efficiency = fluency

Not Free, but check these out! 

The Numeracy Project:  Our Sask Curriculum for K to Gr. 3 features "green buttons" above many of the Math outcomes.  

Click on these for pdf docs that share Problems and  Strategies to use with your students.  

Math Fact Fluency and Number Sense Recommended Reading

"Math Fact Fluency"

(Bay-Williams & Kling)

"Figuring out Fluency" series 

(Bay-Williams & SanGiovanni)