England, Scotland, and France

March 20 - 30, 2023

Click here to learn more about the trip!

Important Dates: 

We have all passport information! Please scan your passport (in color) and send me a copy ASAP. You can email them or text them to me - pforeman@hopewell.k12.va.us or 804-536-4569

OUR NEXT MEETING - February 25, 5pm at the High School Library

2/28/2023 Deadlines:

11/30/2022 Deadlines:

We get to select which theater performance we want to see while in London. Please see the list and click on the links to see a synopsis of the show. Then fill out the form to let me know your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice. If there are any shows you don't want to see at all, you can select those as well. 

Charleston Wrap Fundraiser - We have until December 1st to place orders!