Early Years Curriculum Implementation

Here at Holy Cross, we meet the welfare requirements laid down in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. We actively safeguard and promote the welfare of all of our children. We recognise that children will learn most effectively when they are healthy, safe and secure, when their individual needs are met and when they have positive relationships with the adults who care for them. We aim to provide a setting that encompasses a safe and stimulating environment where children are able to enjoy learning and grow in confidence, helping them to achieve their fullest potential. 

Our bespoke curriculum provides regular opportunities to demonstrate and promote our six core values which underpin everything that we do, everything that we teach and everything that we aspire for our pupils to value now and when they leave us: ambition, possibilities, faith, love, respect and community

Our curriculum is designed to recognise children’s prior learning, provide first-hand learning experiences and allow our children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers to enable them to challenge themselves. We plan through a topic-based approach on an annual basis, although these plans are adapted and amended to address the ever growing and changing needs and interests of our children. The learning experiences within our Early Years are linked to the seven areas of learning and development within the EYFS and are centred around building the characteristics of effective learners. 

Our curriculum provides a play-based and experiential learning environment, with opportunities for both child and adult led learning as well as focused sessions through engagement within our enabling environment and continuous provision to ensure children make rapid progress before transitioning into Year 1.  Each day, children have opportunities to work and play independently, collaboratively with their classmates and with members of staff. The children in both Nursery and Reception are provided with ample opportunities within both our indoor and outdoor provision and benefit from daily periods of sustained uninterrupted play.

Through observation and discussion, areas of need and next steps are identified for our children to ensure good progress is made and next steps in development are met. Learning records are kept in the form of whole class topic books and individual online profiles shared regularly with parents. Further to this, regular formative assessment points are scheduled and followed up with pupil progress reviews to discuss individual children’s achievements, gaps in learning and emerging needs. Support and challenge are then planned for, along with adaptations for our planning, environment, provision, interactions and interventions as necessary.

We recognise that to maintain high standards of quality teaching and learning we have to invest in our staff by providing high quality professional development to match the current needs of the staff and also to match the needs of our children. Staff create an environment to match the needs and skill levels of our children and use their own observations, assessments and gap analysis to inform their planning and provision.