Meet Our Department

Dr. Holly Hinderlie (School Psychologist and US Counselor), Jessica Grow (10-12 Learning Specialist, Department Chair),  Kristen Edma (MS Counselor),  Melissa Robertson (7-9 Learning Specialist), Rachel Helming (LS Counselor), Kate Harris (LS Learning Specialist), Pam Wachutka (Academic Support and College Counseling Coordinator), & Lori Herringa (School Nurse)

Please feel free to email us if you have any questions.

This sites provides information pertaining to the resources, supports, policies, and procedures that relate to student support.  You will also find tips and exercises related to stress management, mindfulness, gratitude, tips for learning, along with up to date health and safety information.  

Student Support

The Student Support Team provides assistance and guidance to all students.  Students may experience challenges that are academic, emotional, social, behavioral and/or health-related in nature.  When a student with a concern is identified, the team will coordinate and implement a student-centered plan.  These plans may differ slightly depending on the Division and the faculty/staff who work with students but the following steps are followed in each Division.

Learning Support Services

Holton-Arms faculty members are committed to serving the needs of every student. The Learning Specialist in each division supports faculty and students in their roles as teachers and learners in Holton’s academic program. Work with students takes place on an individual basis, in small groups organized by need, or in an entire class. The focus is to strengthen the skills needed for success in academic work and to provide assistance with areas of difficulty. Learning Specialists also collaborate with faculty to develop and apply instructional strategies that enable each student to experience growth and progress in their academic pursuits. Recognizing that communication between school and home is vital to the success of our students, Learning Specialists work closely with students and their families to ensure that information pertinent to our students and their academic needs is available to faculty and administration.

In addition to working with all students and faculty, Learning Specialists support the particular needs of students with documented learning issues. We understand that individuals may have specific weaknesses in attention controls, organizational abilities, or processing which can significantly impact academic performance. We strive to work with these students to provide accommodations in both instruction and assessment. Overall, the goal is to promote dialogue about learning and to nurture our students in their growth and development as active, effective, and confident learners. 

Students who experience academic challenges may be referred to the Leaning Specialist for support. The Learning Specialist will meet with the student to determine the support that can be provided at Holton, which may include individual meetings with the Learning Specialist or teacher, observations in class, and monitoring or tracking of progress. If a student requires an additional level of support, an Intervention Plan may be implemented. An Intervention Plan seeks to provide temporary assistance and guidance to students who may experience challenges that are academic, emotional, social, behavioral and or health-related in nature. Finally, if after implementing support at Holton, the student has not met success, the Learning Specialist may recommend neuropsychological testing.