Remote Fitness & Stress Management



During the unforeseen period of social distancing the wellness department strongly encourages all students to keep both their minds and bodies healthy and active. We have provided both a list of stress management resources for you to use in addition to a remote fitness program through our PLT4M resource. We hope you use these enrichment skills to check in, work out, journal/reflect and even make a video of your experience(s).

Essential Skills & Concepts

    • Dedication and passion for lifelong wellness

    • Health and Skill related components of fitness

    • Making healthy choices

    • Independent & autonomous choices to enhance person wellness

    • Coping skills to deal with the challenges we face now and will be facing in the future


    1. Download PLT4M App or access the website at

    2. Go to LOGIN… then if you have not previously registered go to “Have a join code? Click here to join your team! Or go to LOGIN for students already registered and have account

      • JOIN CODE: holliston

      • SPORT: phys ed

      • POSITION: student

    3. SELECT the Training program “Remote Fitness”. If you have previous PLT4m experience from sports or wellness 10, and access to equipment and the understanding to scale the movements or tools, or once comfortable in the app, you are more than welcome to try one of the other programs though most require additional equipment.

Please note that you should click “DONE” after each exercise and workout in order to document your attendance and progress for personal motivation and to share with the wellness teachers. Advanced users can also update your loads for specific movements for the app to generate “progression” and “overload” in order to increase results.

Remote Fitness Program includes: At home workouts (15), Mobility sessions (15), and Fitness challenges (6)

Project Suggestions & Guidelines:

PLT4M At Home Workout

    1. Join, create account

    2. On Dashboard - View “How to use PLT4M Remote Fitness Program”

      • Then begin with “At Home Workout #1”

      • Vary your workout days and fitness options to ensure

        • At least 60 minutes of movement

        • 2-3 PLT4M high intensity workouts a week

        • 2-3 times a week include L.I.S.S. (Low intensity sustained state exercises such as walking, jogging, hiking, paddling, or biking)

Take the time to use one of the stress managements apps/links provided

  1. Headspace

      • Select the “try for free” tab at the top right corner

      • Choose “start free trial” on the next page

      • Create account to begin your free trial (You will not be charged any fees once your trial membership is over)

2. Meditation 101 - Access Code for all sessions - WSHG

Video, blog/discussion board, online journal, written journal

  1. Using the Wellness Google Classrooms, you may choose to share a video, blog or start a discussion on the stream or share other apps you have found. All students are able to post and comment.

Please note: comments, blogs, videos, and discussions are visible to your class and your teachers. Please respond accordingly


You can submit your project via the Remote Fitness assignment in your grade's Google Classroom.