Viral Voices: Choose Your Own Book



Choose Your Own Book: Your Choice! Really! Viral Voices: Create Your Own Project and Upload It!

Select any book you would like (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, scientific study, biography, really anything). Enjoy your time reading, then find a way to “present” a review or reaction to your piece. The choice of material is up to you, and the choice of product/presentation is up to you. The only requirement is that the product be able to be uploaded electronically. It may be as traditional/academic or as creative as you like. See the list of suggestions below for ideas, but create your own method if you have an idea that seems to be a better fit for you and your talents/interests. Have fun with it.

Essential Skills & Concepts

    • Pursuing personal passions/interests

    • Reading Comprehension

    • Summarizing

    • Creativity

    • Analysis

    • 21st Century Skills

    • Considering how to communicate to different audiences

    • Using problem-solving skills

    • Being resourceful

Project SUggestions

Please share about your project on social media (Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook) with the hashtag #HHSViralVoices

  1. Write a review.

  2. Create a Podcast or YouTube review.

  3. Write and record a song.

  4. Write an essay.

  5. Work remotely with a small group (record a virtual book chat or some other type of discussion about same/different books).

  6. Create a photo essay.

  7. If you read many books, create a review of 15 books in 15 minutes! video.

  8. Write a daily reading response journal.

  9. Record a daily reading response journal.

  10. Write a news story about an important event from the book.

If you’re inspired to create, it doesn’t have to address the content of your book. You could:

  1. Write a column or story where you imagine you are quarantined with your favorite or least favorite character.

  2. The Corona Chronicles: Write or record a short story or series of short stories about your experience throughout these times. You could do daily/weekly installments, or a collection of instagram-like posts. … or ... Interview/chat with your relatives and friends and create a collection of stories about what they’re doing now. Record the audio or write them down.

  3. Write your own short story, poem(s) or other creative writing piece(s)

  4. Create your own method of communicating anything you’d like!


You can submit your project via the Viral Voices assignment in your grade's Google Classroom. Also, please share about your project on social media (Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook) with the hashtag #HHSViralVoices