Enrichment Learning Opportunities

March 23 - April 3, 2020

This page is out of date.

This reflects the Enrichment Learning Program that was in effect at Holliston High School from March 23 through April 3, 2020.

For the current Remote Learning Program, see the Remote Learning page.

Expectations for Students

  1. STAY WELL. The highest priority is your personal, social, and emotional wellness.

Beginning Monday, March 23...

  1. Check your school email and Google Classroom each weekday for news and updates.

  2. Review the Enrichment Learning Projects offered by the departments and by your classroom teachers. Consider working on two or more of these activities each week if you can.

  3. Posted activities are recommended but not required. You will be neither graded on these activities nor penalized for inability to complete them.

  4. If you have questions about the activities, you can reach out to the Project Help Desk (details below) or your classroom teachers.

Departmental Enrichment Learning Opportunities

Teachers in the HHS academic departments have created special Enrichment Learning Opportunities for all HHS students grades 9-12. These projects are designed to expand upon the essential themes in each subject area, and provide you with an opportunity to "dig deeper" into practical applications of the subject in ways you might not have during a normal semester.

All departmental projects are open to all HHS students in all grades, regardless of schedule. For example, a student can participate in a Fine Arts or Mathematics project even if they are not scheduled in a Fine Arts or Mathematics class this semester or school year.

We recommend that, if possible, students participate in two or more of these activities at home during the closing. Remember, though, these activities are recommended but not required. Students will be neither graded on these activities nor penalized for inability to complete them.

Links to each department's Enrichment Learning Opportunities are below, and can also be found in each grade's Google Classroom page.

Project Help Desk

The teachers of each department will be hosting a virtual Project Help Desk to answer questions and offer support for students as they work on their projects. The Project Help Desk is an ongoing video conference using Google Meet. Teachers are available in the Project Help Desk according to the following schedule.

To join the Help Desk and ask a question, students should:

  1. Log into their Chromebook with their student Google Account.

  2. Click this link for the Help Desk: https://meet.google.com/sqv-htvt-zwa

  3. Click the Join button.

  4. If others are already in the call, students should mute their microphones and wait their turn.

Note: The Help Desk is provided as a way to ask questions during a video conference format. If for some reason a student cannot participate in a video conference, or would feel more comfortable, they can send an email to current or past HHS teachers in the appropriate department.

Course-Specific Enrichment Activities

Some HHS teachers may wish to offer additional enrichment learning opportunities that are specific to their course curriculum. For example, some teachers may want to offer an interesting project or activity that was impractical due to time constraints. Others may offer review packages to prepare for upcoming AP or MCAS testing.

Again, these activities are encouraged but not required. Students should feel invited to participate if they are able.

Teachers will post course-specific enrichment activities in their existing Google Classroom pages, or via whichever communication system they were using before the school closing.

Other Make-Up Work

This is a great time for students to complete missing or late work that was already assigned prior to the building closing. Work should be submitted to individual classroom teachers. Please reach out to teachers if you have any questions.

Other Resources