Primary Source Journal

Social Studies


You are now a historian. Starting on Monday, March 23, you will be keeping a journal. Each day, you will detail what you see in the news, how the world, how our nation, how your friends, neighbors, and family are responding to this pandemic.

When we return to school, you can use your journal to support class discussions. You can hand-write or type the journal. You could also use one of your other talents as you see fit -- drawing, poetry, video, etc.

Remember to identify the time, date, place, etc, on each entry and do your best to write something everyday.

Your journal will essentially become a primary source that can be used by people in the future to learn about our lives during this crisis from your unique perspective.

Be authentic. Be honest. Be reflective.

Essential Skills & Concepts

    • Student reflection

    • Writing, film-making

    • Analysis of current events

    • Global citizenship

Project Suggestions & Guidelines

You can write anything you would like about your experiences. The following is a list of potential things to which you can respond.

    1. What did the government announce / declare / implement today?

      • Does it make sense?

      • Does it impact your life? Why or why not?

      • How did your family respond?

      • How does your behavior impact others at the local, state, national, and global level?

    2. What does your neighborhood look like? Are people walking around? What can you do to help the neighborhood?

    3. What are my responsibilities as a citizen during this crisis?

    4. How is today different from yesterday for you and your family, our nation, the world?

    5. Do you see any examples of racism, privilege, or income inequality in any of the events that have happened today? (Locally, at the state level, nationally, or the world?)

    6. What impact is this crisis having on national and world economics?

    7. Do you see anything today that gives you hope? Anxiety? Fear?

      • In person, in the news, or on social media?

    8. What does your family need today that you might not have, have enough of, or have access to acquire?


You can submit your project via the Primary Source Journal assignment in your grade's Google Classroom.