HPSS Peer Mediation 

We come across conflict in all areas of life and it is the way we manage this that makes the difference to how we are left feeling afterwards. Here at HPSS, we offer a student led Peer Mediation service to help students resolve conflict in constructive ways.  Follow us on Instagram for ongoing tips.  

What is Peer Mediation?

HPSS’s Peer Mediators are a team of students who have been trained in the skills and process of mediation by the Peace Foundation. They offer a voluntary, confidential service that aims to support all parties to reach a resolution all are happy with.  

HPSS Peer Mediators also lead in the school community by promoting and modelling fairness and respect for others, watching out for harassment and bullying, and by supporting students to get help when needed. They aim is to help the school to be a safer place.  In addition to the Peer Mediation Service, the Peer Mediation team lead the celebration of Light it Orange, Pink Shirt Day and Schools Peace Week.  

Peer Mediation FAQ's

What does a Peer Mediation look like?

A peer mediation is a meeting that takes place when two or more students are struggling with some kind of conflict.  The students involved are invited to the mediation which is led by two trained HPSS student Peer Mediators. The role of the mediators in a peer mediation is to facilitate the process. They will not offer any advice or tell you what to do about the issue that is being mediated.  The aim of the mediation is for all parties to reach a peaceful and respectful resolution.   This resolution may not mean that everyone parts as friends but some agreements will be made to help the students involved feel safe and OK to go about their school lives without worry about the issues raised.  

Check out this short clip to get a taste of what your mediation will look like.

2021's Peer Mediation Video.mp4

How many meetings are involved? 

There are two sections to a peer mediation. The first is the initial mediation.  This takes place at lunchtime in a private room in Te Ara Manaaki.  Once some agreements have been reached, a time for a follow-up meeting with be made with all present to check how the mediation agreements are going.   This usually takes place during a lunchtime one-two weeks after the initial mediation.  

Are there any staff involved?

There are no adults involved in a Peer Mediation. The mediators are HPSS students who have been trained to facilitate a mediation process. You will get an email from one of the counsellors to let you know when and where the mediation takes place but after this, the student mediators take over the process.  

Is a peer mediation confidential?

All who are involved in a peer mediation are asked to keep any information shared within the mediation confidential.  The mediators do not share any information that they are given during the meeting or that you were involved in a peer mediation.   

How do I request a peer mediation?

To request a Peer Mediation, please complete this form.  You can also email requesting a mediation or ask your Hub Coach to request a peer mediation for you.  

Peer Mediations take place in a private room in Te Ara Manaaki.  You can find Te Ara Manaaki down the corridor to the right of the school canteen.  

How do I become a Peer Mediator?

Recruitment for the Peer Mediation team takes place in Term 4 of each year.  Students from Years 9-11 are invited to submit an application to become an HPSS Peer Mediator for the following year.  We aim to recruit mediators from across all four learning communities.  Keep an eye out for the recruitment drive as we near the end of Term 4 each year.

HPSS Peer Mediation Team 2023



