Welcome to SASA Resources!  

Use of the SASA Resources website as a learning tool is encouraged for all school and state-level office staff.  Over the coming months, makeshift updates will be performed on several outdated courses as a first step, with the development of more cohesive placeholder guidance as the second step, and a re-visioned next generation of SASA Resources as the third step. 

SASA Resources is the statewide repository of school and office administrative processes and procedures that support the work of School Administrative Service Assistants (SASAs), secretaries, and other clerical staff. Information may also be accessed as self-paced online courses, providing an opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills.  Narrated video tutorials and downloadable PDF handouts of the presentation and narration/script provide participants with a variety of individual and personalized learning opportunities. 

Mahalo HSOSA

The HSOSA (Hawaii School Offices Services Association) is a group of dedicated current and retired  SASAs that meet quarterly to discuss the latest challenges, best practices, and upcoming changes.  This group is open to all SASAs throughout the Department and is a great way to network with others in similar positions. Please contact Justin Carmichael via DOE Gmail for more information.  


If you have any questions, please email the website administrators at sasaresources@k12.hi.us