Comprehensive School Counseling Program

Belief Statement

The McDonough Middle School Counselors BELIEVE: 

Vision Statement

All McDonough Middle School alumni are caring, purposeful, and resilient adults who leverage their unique talents and high-quality education to positively impact the global community and achieve individual success. 

Mission Statement

The McDonough Middle School counseling department will empower all students through inclusive and data-informed programming that cultivates academic potential, fosters social/emotional growth, and expands postsecondary opportunities. As a result of active stakeholder collaboration, every student benefits from equitable access to an exceptional educational experience. They embrace learning as a lifelong practice, and become powerful contributors to our global society. 

2023-2024 Comprehensive School Counseling Plan

MMS SY24 Annual Calendar.docx

2023-2024 School Counseling Calendar

Annual Calendar 2022-2023 Final.docx