The Middle Years Programme is an international program that strives to develop young adults who are equipped with the skills to solve the problems of the present and future. Through academically rigorous classes, our students are challenged to make connections between everything they learn in the classroom and the outside world. They extend the pursuit of learning through Creativity, Activity, and Service, and our students are proactive members of our community. The capstone project of the MYP is the Personal Project, which challenges each student to pursue and demonstrate learning around a topic that interests them.

Across the globe, there are nearly 1 million students enrolled in the MYP across over 3,900 schools and 147 countries. The MYP aims to provide globally-centered education that allows students to develop as lifelong learners and contributors to their respective communities.

The Middle Years Program, or MYP, is for students aged 11-16.  At J.R. Tucker High School, the MYP is for students in the 9th and 10th grades. The MYP provides the framework of academic challenge with a focus on student-centered learning, critical thinking and international mindedness.

Core Components of the MYP Program