Creativity, Activity, Service

What is Creativity, Activity, Service?

Creativity, Activity, Service (often referred to as CAS) is a core component of the IB program at all grade levels that allows our students to explore and learn about their interests outside of the traditional classroom setting.  CAS is not only an invaluable opportunity for gaining real-world experience, but also for personal development and agency.

What is the purpose of CAS?

CAS is intended to facilitate both personal and interpersonal growth, and there are 7 learning outcomes that students are expected to demonstrate across the 11th and 12th grade years. These learning outcomes are what students are supposed to have done during their experiences: 

What are the requirements of CAS in the 11th and 12th grades?

Over 18 months, Diploma Program students are required to participate in 3 CAS experiences, or one for each strand as well as a longer-term, collaborative project. Students can find more detailed information in the CAS handbook provided by Mrs. Snow.