Tyler Harper
Candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture, Republican
Website: TylerHarperGA.com
Occupation(s): Member of Georgia Senate
The Tyler Harper campaign did not respond to our requests to participate in this effort. Any responses below are taken verbatim from the campaign website.
Image source: gachamber.com
Our health is affected by a variety of factors that are directly influenced by policies made by and supported by the Commissioner of Agriculture:
What priorities or key issues will you address if elected to this office?
The Tyler Harper campaign did not submit responses to our questionnaire. The response is taken verbatim from the campaign website:
Champion local and family farmers
Secure trade deals that put Georgia farmers first
Enhance food safety and security programs
Invest in the next generation of Georgia agriculture
Deliver funding to farmers in record time
Expand rural broadband & empower Georgia growers
What key experiences would you bring to this role?
The Tyler Harper campaign did not submit responses to our questionnaire. The response is taken verbatim from the campaign website:
As a 7th generation farmer and small businessman who still uses his grandfather’s tractor in the fields tending the same land that his family has had for over 100 years, Tyler Harper has a deep, personal appreciation for Georgia’s agricultural industry – and the millions of local growers it supports. Since 2013, he has worked to defend Georgia’s largest sector as a State Senator – where he currently serves in leadership on the Natural Resources, Public Safety, and Agriculture Committees. Additionally, Tyler currently serves as the Agriculture & Rural Development Vice-Chair of the Southern Legislative Conference. Over the years, he has championed our farms and farmers, worked to make them more competitive at home and abroad, and help cultivate the next generation of Georgia agriculture. As your next Agriculture Commissioner, Tyler will ensure our food supplies are kept safe, making sure that our families are fed. He will always put Georgia agriculture first and fight the overreach of Washington, D.C.
Tyler Harper lives in Ocilla and is a lifelong resident of South Georgia. He graduated from the University of Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering and holds an associate’s degree from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. He is an active member in his local community and has helped lead organizations across the state – from his local rotary club, to the Georgia Young Farmers Association, to the UGA College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. When he is not serving the state at the Gold Dome or working on the family farm, Tyler can be found enjoying the outdoors – or at Satilla Baptist Church, where he plays in the band every Sunday.
The Tyler Harper campaign did not submit responses to our questionnaire. No information was found on the campaign website related to this question:
The US EPA estimates that the agricultural sector contributes 11% of the greenhouse gas emissions in the US, making this sector one of the primary sources of emissions in the country. At the same time, warming temperatures due to climate change will alter growing conditions across the state. What policies would you enact to help the agriculture sector of Georgia thrive in the face of climate change?
Note: We welcome any responses from candidates who did not previously answer our questionnaire request.