Parent Resource Page

Family and Community Engagement

Horizon values your input and collaboration to review and inform programs and services. The Community Advisory Network is your primary opportunity to participate. 

Every year, we review the Local Control and Accountability Plan aligned to the six year Western Associate of Schools and Colleges Self Study and Plan and make modifications based on input from all Horizon community members: students, families, staff the Board, and other community partners. Please note the CAN meetings and Agenda Topics and attend the online ZOOM meetings or review the recordings and submit your feedback via a Survey or email the Curriculum and Instruction Director with feedback, Tracy Wilson

WASC VISIT SCHEDULE MAY 2024:  This is the overview schedule

Community Advisory Network 


Community Advisory Network 

What is the Community Advisory Network? The CAN are members from the HCS staff, students, families, and our local community

ROLE:  Provide input directly during meetings and indirectly via Surveys

Invitation LINKLeadership Interest Form LINKMeeting Recording LINK 

Invitation LINK;   Meeting Recording LINK;   Survey LINK

Invitation LINK;   Recording LINK;   Survey LINK

Invitation LINK;   Recording LINK;   Survey LINK

Invitation LINK;   Recording Link;   Survey LINK

 Invitation LINK;   Recording Link;   Survey Link

On Line CAN Meetings




OCT 11

NOV 08

DEC 13

FEB 14

MAR 13

MAY 08

Western Association of Schools and Colleges, WASC

Horizon is in the process of completing our 6-year Self Study and Plan to maintain our accreditation status with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

Staff, families and community members collaborate as part of the Community Advisory Network meetings to help review programs and provide critical feedback. Please note the CAN meetings and Agenda Topics and attend or review the recordings and submit your feedback via a Survey or email the Curriculum and Instruction Director with feedback, Tracy Wilson

Local Control & Accountability Plan LCAP

The LCAP is a 3 Year accountability plan for Horizon Charter School, 21-24, modified annually

Horizon believes that an informed community is essential to a collaborative relationship. Every year, families, students, staff and administrators review progress data, programs, the budget and develop an academic plan for achievement, the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). 

Please attend an upcoming CAN Meeting to ensure you are informed and provide feedback directly. if you cannot attend the online Zoom meetings, please review the recorded sessions and complete the survey to ensure your voice is heard. If you would like to help even more, join the Leadership Team (ILT/DELAC). Information available below.


Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) 



Family Engagement Meetings


Instructional Leadership Team 

Be a Part of the Leadership Team!

What is the ILT? 

The Instructional Leadership Team. It is an elected position and team with a VOTE as a representative of the community.

Role: Assists in developing and providing input in establishing district programs and goals for all learners including special populations.

(California Education Code [EC] Section 65000[b]);  (EC Section 64001[g][1]);  (EC Section 65000[a]); (EC Section 65000[c][1]);  (EC Section 65000[c][1][A]);  (EC Section 65000[c][1][B]);  (EC Section 65000[c][2]);  (EC Section 65000[c][2][A]);;  (EC Section 65000[d]);   (EC Section 65000[c][2][B]):  CDE LINK


What is the DELAC? 

The District English Learner Advisory Committee is a Subcommittee of the ILT. It is an elected position with a VOTE as a representative of the community. Parents or guardians of English learners shall constitute the majority membership (51 percent or more) of the committee. The DELAC is a subcommittee of the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT).

ROLE:  The DELAC assists in developing and providing input in establishing district programs and goals for our English Learners. 

California Education Code, sections 35147, 52062(a)(2), 52063(b), 52069, 62002.5, and 64001(a);  California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 11308 and 15495(b);  CDE LINK

Instructional Leadership Team and the District English Learner Advisory Subcommittee

Training and Recruitment:  

OCT 11, 1100-12000

Online Leadership Meetings:  WEDNESDAYS



NOV 01

DEC 06

FEB 07

MAR 06

MAY 01

Links to Resource Pages

Academy Signature Events

For information on Signature Events and Parent Support visit your student's Academy specific Family page