Work Permit Instructions

Work Permit Approvals:

It is Horizon Charter Schools' Board Policy that Work Permits are approved for students who have a 2.0 Overall (CUMULATIVE) GPA (not Semester GPA), and not more than one F in the prior Semester. 

Work Permits are valid on a Semester basis.  Students who do not meet the given criteria may not have a Work Permit automatically approved for renewal. Additionally, students who have been issued a Work Permit who's GPA drops below a 2.0 GPA or have more than one F may have their Work Permit revoked.

Please read the Statement of Intent to Employ Paperwork instructions thoroughly

Once complete, please return to (not to your counselor). 

Work Permit renewals do not require to have the Statement of Intent to Employ Form completed again unless the employer has changed. 

Please email for renewals and be sure to include student's full name.

Work Permits are required for work during the Summer!!