Summer Break: 6/31/24 - 8/21/24

Announcements/Current Events

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity is one of our core values and one of the most important areas of focus as a learning organization. Students with Academic Integrity make decisions based on ethics and values that will prepare them to be productive and ethical citizens.

An Overview

Academic integrity is the foundation for learning at Horizon Charter School (HCS). Because of its importance in all of our instruction, there are a variety of tools that we use in ensuring the integrity of student work.

Among these tools are:

Academic Integrity "Database"

HCS maintains its own database of student integrity incidences or violations. This database is used to monitor the number of student integrity issues.  Turnitin is an online service that stores millions of student papers and catalogs websites to compare student writing highlight sections of plagiarized writing.  HCS uses this service to help student learn about and correct plagiarism.

Teacher Expertise

HCS instructors have extensive classroom experience. Their expertise is often a guide in identifying the level of originality in student work.

Discussion Based/Authentic Assessments

Each teacher regularly conducts discussion based/authentic assessments with his or her students. These conversations/projects/presentations occur at specific intervals as well as randomly in a course and are included in the assessment component of each course.  The teacher discusses individual student work and extends the conversation to allow the student to demonstrate mastery of the content and to verify the authenticity of the student’s work.

Proctored Exams

Each faculty member can request a proctored exam at any time for a student.  All students agree to take at least one proctored exam (at the end of the semester) when they register to take a course.  In order to complete the course the student must pass the proctored segment exam with a 60% or greater on the first attempt.

Academic Integrity: A Student’s Guide

Academic integrity is the cornerstone of learning at Horizon Charter School (HCS).

What is academic integrity?

Academic integrity means that all work you submit is created by you and is an original representation of your work. It means that what you submit as your work is your work.

Why is academic integrity important?

When you submit an assignment that is not your own original work, you represent something incorrectly.  There are two issues involved:

What are some examples of academic integrity violations?

There are two kinds of academic integrity violations. One is “plagiarism” and the other is “cheating.”


According to Merriam-Webster online dictionary, plagiarism is “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own: use (another’s production) without crediting the source.”

Some examples are, but not limited to the following:


According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, cheating is defined in multiple ways. But for the purposes of HCS, two definitions are particularly relevant:

Some examples are, but not limited to the following:

What will happen to me if I plagiarize or cheat?

A variety of consequences will be administered when you are caught cheating or plagiarizing. These consequences range from resubmission of an assignment up to possible suspension from HCS courses, or even expulsion. Additionally, final grades may be rescinded if you are found to have cheated or plagiarized after the grade has been posted to your transcript. This means your otherwise passing grade will be changed to a "F."

Roles and Responsibilities

Academic integrity is the cornerstone of learning at Horizon Charter School (HCS). Because of its importance in all of our instruction, each stakeholder has certain rights and responsibilities.


HCS Belief: Students are responsible for submitting their own, original work.


HCS Belief: Parents are our partners in supporting student learning.

Instructional and Supervising Teachers

HCS Belief: Each staff member has a stake in ensuring the highest standards of academic integrity. Teachers synchronize various aspects of the curriculum to ensure the best possible experience for their students.

Program Administrator


If you need to report an academic integrity situation please call the following number or send an email to the address below. Please discuss as much of the following information as you are able: Student Name, Course Name, Teacher Name and situation. We appreciate you taking the time to report this situation and assisting HCS  with Academic Integrity.

California State Standards

To download a complete parents' guide to student success containing all grade level standards, click the link below for language or grade:

By Language:

By grade: 

Crisis Hotlines