Newborn Needs

By: Caroline, Chastity, Jeremiah and Terry


Brooding means putting them in a nest where they can live. After that, you'll need a "brooder box" to keep the ducklings. A "brooder box" is a container were you let the ducks live. A clear, plastic container is the best chose so you can see them their bedding can be a towel or a old Tee shirt. They also need heat to live. As a place of source, a 60 to 75 watt light bulb works well for heat.

What is a newborn?

A newborn is a new baby. When the Pekin duckling hatches, it doesn't need food or water for 24 hours. It will be utilizing the egg yolk inside their abdomen.

Water Proofing

Water Proofing means when a baby duckling is first born he/she knows how to swim eat and drink . But when a baby duckling is born without its mother he/she only knows how to eat and drink. So if you have ducklings you should teach them how to swim.


After the day a duckling hatches, the duckling should eat non medicated feed. They don't need medicated because it will poison them. Ducklings need lot of water they will be hydrated. They need light so they can be warm.

Pekin duck Predators

Ducklings predators are. Duckling are delicious birds, and many animals like to eat them. Almost any predator will eat a duckling whenever it gets a chance. Foxes and weasels are just two of the many mammalian predators that duckling must face. Snakes also eat ducklings, and so do birds of prey such as hawks, owls and eagles.