Incubator 101

By Victoria, John, Adam and Gamil

You put the eggs in the incubator after heating it up for two days. You have to turn them 3 times a day. Pekin ducks take around 28 days. Pekin ducks need to be in 99.5 f and 37.5 c and 55-75% humidity. A heartbeat is usually seen by the third of incubation. When being artificially incubated, Pekin duck embryos take around 28 days to develop in the egg at 99.5 F.

by Victoria

What do eggs need to hatch in the incubator?

They need oxygen and carbon dioxide. However the humidity must be maintained until the must of the ducks are out of their shells.they need it to be very

by Victoria

What is an Incubator?

An incubator is a machine that keeps the egg warm. So when they get out of their egg the incubator can warm it up and it can dry. When you take it out they are nice and dry. For more information go down to "Incubation Meaning."

by john and Victoria

What do we do for the ducklings in the Incubator?

We put water in the incubator and we set it at a temperature we need to put water so the Humanity can rise. Also we need water for them at a certain temperature so it's good enough that when they hatch we're teaching them to swim that it's just the right temperature. We also need to stop turning on day 25.

by Victoria

Hatching duck eggs in an incubator compare to the way they hatch in nature?

When the eggs are in the incubator the eggs are safe from predators and in nature the mother most be quick when she goes to get food because if she is gone for to long time she way lose her eggs because fox,eagles,and other predators. Here are the ways there are the same to hatch in an incubator and in nature. There are the same because it takes the same amount time to hatch in a incubator and hatch in nature the each take 28 days. When they hatch in a incubator and when they hatch in nature the Pekin ducks will still be sleepy and want to sleep a lot.

By John and Gamil

how to Incubate eggs

There are 14 duck eggs in are Incubator we numbered them at first there was 15 but it cracked in shipping. When we candle number 9 on the part that is suppose orange is yellow we saw gray dots witch means it might die. You need to be very quiet. We #erd them because we needed to talk about 1 pacifically.

We set are temperature 99.6F and the Humidity 57%. Are Incubator terns it 4 times a day. It turns vertical.the mother duck dose that by shifting her body. you place them fat side up because when they are about to get out they move their head to the fat side. You have to put water in a container. If you touch them do not shake them or drop them because they will die. :(

by Adam

the Meaning of Incubation

Incubation is the process of incubating eggs, cells, bacteria, a disease, etc. It helps hatch any kind eggs.

The red bar is where the heat comes from.

by Victoria

Day 17 and the Humanity is 63.