Growing Up

By Clark, Honesty, and Sophie

Traits and Food

When Pekin ducks grow up they grow white feathers. They also make a pecking order which can be very vicious where they fight and whoever wins can peck or chase any other duck. Some traits that adult Pekin ducks have are orange feet, and a yellow bill. They also have a stance that is straighter than other ducks. Pekin ducks also have an average lifespan of 9-10 years. Pekin ducks eat small aquatic animals, seeds, small fish, snails, crabs, insects, snails, frogs and greens vegetable. If you don't want to get these things buy commercial waterfowl feed.

Telling Male From Female

One way you can tell a male and female apart is by seeing if they have a upturned feather. As a male Pekin ducks mature they get a upturned feather called a drake feather. You have to wait till they are mature because you have to wait till their tail feathers grow in. But there is one way you can tell before they are fully mature is by listening to them because male ducks have a deep low quack while females have a lighter quack.


You have to wait five or six week old for the water proof oil on the feather to start working so you don't want to have it swim in water above it's feet because it will drown. Pekin Ducks will learn to dabble which is were they dive their head in and poke around for food or open their mouth. Another way they get food from dabbling is letting water in their mouth let water drain out while they keep the food in.


Duck mating starts in the winter. Then it goes like this male ducks will try to get a female's attention by displaying themselves by bobbing their heads up and down. Then they fluff up their feathers on their heads. They also grunt and whistle, then shake their beaks and throw water into the air. A female duck and a male duck stay together for several months. A male duck fights off other males while it is with it's mate, but usually will leave a week after the eggs are laid.

Female^(strait together tail feathers) Male^ (tail feathers turned up and not together)