
The Sacrament of Baptism in Holy Cross Parish 2024

We warmly welcome you to Holy Cross Parish, Kincumber.

We congratulate you on the birth of your child and recognise you want the best for your child, and so, in your desire to have your child baptised you also want your child to have a loving relationship with our loving God.

The Sacrament of Baptism is the first of three Sacraments in the Order of Christian Initiation, Confirmation and Eucharist being the other two Sacraments.

Baptism is about belonging to the church, and it is most appropriately celebrated in your own parish church.

It is the Parish Community who welcomes your child for Baptism, and so there is a responsibility of the Parish and Parents to see that the gift of Eternal Life is nourished.

Baptisms at Holy Cross Parish are celebrated in either:-

Holy Spirit Church, Kincumber Street, Kincumber, during 9am Mass on the first and last Sundays of each month (with the exception of January);

Holy Cross Church, Humphreys Road, Kincumber South, at 10am on the first and last Saturdays of each month (with the exception of January).

In our Parish, the organisation of the Sacrament of Baptism is as follows:

Please contact our Parish Sacramental Team on if we can assist you with any further information