Connect Small Faith Sharing Groups

Connect small groups are for building and nurturing relationships – with Jesus and one another. The Key elements to a Connect small group are sharing food, praise and worship, small group sharing and prayer.

At each Connect gathering a member of the group shares how a scripture reading relates to their life and relationship with Jesus. Time is then given for small group sharing followed by prayer with and for one another. Through Connect the parish ensures that all parishioners are known individually, loved, nurtured and cared for.

The Connect small groups enable:

Connect groups focus upon the heart knowledge – sometimes known as catechesis of the heart. In this catechesis, we focus upon the person and their experience of the risen Jesus living within them and around them in their community. It invites people to ‘fall in love’ and experience the reality of Jesus’ ongoing presence and care.

Connect groups are about transforming culture so that rather than simply learning about faith, participants are deepening our personal relationship with Jesus and with each other. There is no need for a deep knowledge of the doctrines of faith. Connect groups keep catechesis of the heart the clear focus.

When asked to share in a Connect group we hope to:

Connect is a way to build our community and grow deeper in faith through sharing our lives, faith and stories with each other; the good times, the hard times and everything in between.

Whether you are new to faith or you’ve been living it your whole life Connect is for you.

This isn’t just faith in rows, it’s faith shared in circles.

If you would like to host or join a Connect Small Group contact the parish office.