Anointing of The Sick

Is a sacrament which brings Jesus'  healing presence to people who are seriously ill.

While in past years the sacrament was known as extreme unction or the last rites and was reserved until the moment of death, now we can offer it to people at any time of serious sicknesses, such as when receiving a diagnosis of illness, before surgery, and when an illness progresses.

Anointing is still offered to people who are dying, in conjunction with the commendation of the dying, and this can be a beautiful and powerful prayer when celebrated with family and friends present, whether the person receiving it is conscious or not. Other prayers can also be prayed with the body of a person who has just died.

Fr Bogdan is available for anointing whenever needed, whether before or after any Mass or by appointment. 

He will visit people in their home, aged care facility and local hospitals.

Call the parish office on 4369 1211.