Prayer and Reflection with our Lord

These last 2 years have been difficult for the Parish and, sadly, some things that we used to do as a Church Community have lapsed. With COVID now in the rear view mirror, the Parish Council would like to get back to some type of normality for the Church and the wider Community under the direction of Father Bogdan. To that end the Council would like to reset our Mission Statement to “Be Disciples” and begin to rebuild and revisit our Strategic Pastoral Plan (SPP).

One of our headings in the SPP was “Prayer”. As you know Holy Spirit Church is always open during the day and is invariably empty, except during the weekday masses. This seems to be a great pity. To that end some Parishioners have suggested that we have “Prayer Days” where the Faithful can come to pray and reflect in the quiet space. The idea would be to have half hour blocks, a short period of time really, in the course of the day during which small groups could gather, each with their own intentions. As one person said “It would avoid Jesus sitting in an empty Church on his own”.

If you would like to be a part of this Community initiative, information will be on the Church website and Facebook. There will also be sign -up sheets in the narthex for Volunteers during May with the intention of beginning this initiative in June. Initially it would be only on a Tuesday each week between the hours of 10.30 and 4.00 pm However, if there is demand, others days may be included at a later date.

Another Parishioner who does this on a regular basis has said “30 minutes is a very short time during which you can ask the Lord for help; thank him for what he has done' or just sit in comfortable peace in His presence.

This person can assure you that you will walk out of the Church a better person.

Please think about it and we are sure that the Lord will be happy to see you.

If you would also like to discuss this initiative, or offer ideas and support, please feel free to call Bob Harris on 0409 447 420.