Jesus, Who is He?

Time magazine once referred to Jesus as “the most persistent symbol of purity, selflessness and love in the history of humanity”. His impact on the world was immense.

God sent His only Son so that we may live; Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus was the human form of God on earth, on equal footing with God giving Him the authority to forgive sins.

Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth, the life’ (John 14:6). Jesus gives direction for a lost world showing the way. He is the reality in a confused world; the truth for all humanity to be understood intellectually and experienced in a relationship with God. He, Jesus is our light, our life in a dark world.

He entered fully into human experience. He knew happiness and anger, endured temptation, suffered sorrow and grief. He was sent to restore our relationship with God; the most important relationship of all. Until we find that relationship our lives will always have emptiness inside.

The reason for His coming was to die for us. You and me! So that we may live free from guilt, fear and addiction. We have been offered forgiveness, freedom and his spirit to live in us. This is a great gift from God for us to accept and enjoy.

Now you know a little more of whom Jesus is we would love to help you fully accept God’s gift. It can be a little intimidating to take that first step without a familiar face or friend so Holy Cross Parish Kincumber has several options to help you take that first step.

Or just click here and complete your contact details and someone from the parish team will contact you to discuss with you several options to take that first step.