Our Parish

Welcome to the Catholic Parish of Kincumber!

Holy Cross Parish is a worshipping community and we welcome everyone who wants to be a follower of Jesus Christ. How do we follow Jesus? 

The best way to start is by spending some time in prayer each day, talking to God from your heart. Bibles, prayer books and many other things to help you in your prayer are available from the piety store which is open in the narthex of the church before and after each Mass, or from the MacKillop Bookshop, shop 12, near the post office in Kincumber Shopping Village.

Catholics come together to worship God each week, and we have Mass at 5pm on Saturday, 9am and 5pm on Sundays. Morning tea or a BBQ are regularly served after Mass so you can meet some new friends.    

Empowered by the Eucharist at Mass, and by our daily prayer, followers of Jesus try to live as Jesus lived. None of us are perfect, so there is also the sacrament of Reconciliation available for the 30 to 15 minutes prior to each weekend Mass and various other times through the year at which a person can confess their sins and receive God’s forgiveness. It’s a good idea to go at least once each year, around the time of your birthday. 

We’d like every member of the parish to be involved in one thing apart from just coming to Mass each week. 


If you would like to support the parish financially you can download a pledge form and likewise put it on the collection plate or send it to the parish office.  

We hope that you and your family will make your church home with us, and that we can help each other grow in faith, love, and service of God. 

Fr Bogdan Skupien, and the Parish Team. 

Meet the parish Team

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