
Capstone Projects and Summer Educational Experience

Duchossois Leadership Scholars are given opportunities to serve, one of them being locally. The students choose a "capstone project" in which they target a local issue affecting their nearby community and work towards finding solutions to help the people impacted by this issue. This allows the scholars to improve upon their problem solving skills as well as help those close to them. Communities include Illinois Tech students, the Chicago area, etc. Click below to read about their local involvement.

The other opportunity is being able to servce on the global level. Each class of scholars is given the opportunity to serve abroad through a summer educational experience. These fully funded trips will be taken during the summer of the scholar's first, second, or third year. Lead by Duchossois Leadership Professors, the students are able to use and improve upon their current leadership abilities with their fellow scholars. These service opportunities are a chance for students to develop themselves, form connections, and make an impact on multiple scales. Click below to experience their global involvement.