💻💚Welcome to my Blog 8🤾🚨

🌾Tech Safety🛑

What are some big takeaways you have from this lesson? 

Technology provides us an easier way to work, communicate, collaborate, research resources, problem-solving, etc. However, online technology is also misleading many people about inappropriate content and websites that can lead us to many online risks and problems. This lesson informed us that technology will control everyone in the future. Kids nowadays are starting to quit school to stay home and use cell phones and online technologies. Technology has taken over schools, businesses, factories, and many places. The disadvantages of online technology are affecting students' learning nowadays. It is changing many students' behaviors and attitudes. Are we still safe? We definitely need tech safety.

🪻"The best technology is the one that understands and meets the needs of its users." - Donald Norman🪻

                                                              🌱📱 Motto: nature and technology by Richard Louv🌐🌱

What are your thoughts on 21st Century Literacies? 

These 21st-century literacy skills mean literacy skills that reflect on technology use and other necessary ways to collaborate, solve problems, and present information using multimedia. Our classic literacy skills are learning to read, write, or answer questions without the use of technology. Nowadays, educators focus on teaching students using tools of technology and it's a must that students do their work using technology. So 21st-century literacies are the teaching and learning of new literacy skills that need technology usage.

 How can these literacies relate to digital citizenship?

It is related because they both are using technology. Digital citizenship is to show individuals power in social decision-making. A citizen is required to have the knowledge in reading, writing, and arithmetic to be called a normal citizen in the past years and use traditional literature skills on streaming on communication channels such as radio and newspapers. But now, 21st-century literature and digital citizens changed the way of the past of literature and normal citizens because they are using new media such as Facebook, messenger, and other easy ways for online stream or online communication.

🍁🔥"Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master." - Christian Lous Lange🔥🍁
