
🍂Welcome to my Blog 4🫲🌾

Share your beliefs about teaching and learning. 🖥️📱

How do you see technology accelerating learning?

Technology is a powerful tool to transform learning and advance my teaching to the students. It helps me use a different approach to teaching and learning during lectures, presenting new lessons, task doing, and using less time for each lesson and activity. Technology opens a new era of learning that shows students a flexible way of learning and an advanced way of gaining more knowledge in developing their knowledge and skills. However, technology can accelerate students' skills and knowledge if the right tools and support are correctly provided.

📀Jenny Motto📀

  What opportunities do you see to change how we learn in schools? 

Many opportunities are changing in how we learn in schools. As a student, we see the changes replacing the way we learn both in cultural and educational development. Students nowadays, including ourselves, have more opportunities to learn at different times in different places. It is known as a diverse time and place. Learning is starting to use different kinds of tools and technology that adapt to the capabilities of a student. Instructors need to have an understanding and knowledge of the learning tools. Some of the opportunities in learning that are changing are how students are given free choice, taking project-based, field experience, data interpretation, changing exams, and last but not least student ownership. Learning opportunities depend on the instructor or teacher in the classroom. 

 What challenges do you see or experience?

One challenge we face during learning is having the knowledge and experience of using technology in teaching and learning. At a young age, we never use or learn computers until we reach college. The challenge is clear that using technology for learning and teaching is very challenging for many of us. Nevertheless, taking online classes is a big issue for us because we are new technology starters. Eventually, it is a good experience, too. Doing projects and other assignments is challenging so we are helping each other to get through. One thing we do is provide clear instructions or directions, steps on how to do it, samples or examples, and make time to ask questions.

Addiction of Technology: Youtube video

What connections can you make between your own learning experiences and the resources you read and watched?

The ability to make connections through my learning experiences and the resources I read and watched involves connecting prior knowledge to new knowledge or experience. It allows me to relate what I read, see, do, and experience myself. And share it with others who need it. We combined previous and new knowledge to experience a productive, positive, and developed learning outcome for each person's understanding. For all I know, we are developing ourselves for the students, community, and our families to help, share, and improve their future. 

"A supporting video on atmosphere"