🍂☘️Welcome to my Blog 13☘️🍂

💡Issues of Educational Technology🤾

Discuss in-depth the issues in the use of Educational Technology as outlined in the readings and also in your own experiences. 

These issues are usually occurring in our school. The main issue is the budget limitations. Without budget for technology, there will be no devices or technology. If there's no technology, there's no use for educational technology in our curriculum. How can we embrace technology if we don't even have it in our school? Nowadays, we have the budget for purchasing technology and devices. But we still face other issues. We first have computers for students to learn the introduction to computers but we lack professional teachers in computer. Most of the teachers are graduates of education majors. The school hires a computer specialist to teach the students. And the problem is that the computers are outdated and the network doesn't work well. However, another issue is that the school cannot afford new computers or pay someone to fix the broken computers. So this problem leads to another issue, administrators started to ignore the use of technology in the school and used the money to purchase other school needs.  

Link: The 7 Greatest Challenges Facing Education Technology Today (wpgc.io) 

🤷"Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them." - Steve Jobs🥳

Education🙂  motto🧑‍🦯

Educational technology is helpful in so many ways. It is an advanced learning and a new learning experience for both me and the students. Sometimes we use technology in the classroom such as videos on lesson that we learned in class to support students understanding. We also use other technology to test students oral and listening comprehension. But mostly students use to search for resources that can help them understand vocabularies, examples, and new techniques in solving problems. So, technology is a powerful tool that is needed both in the classroom and at homes. 

🥀"Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational." - George Couros🥀

🕵️Computer technology Motto🤺

🌺"The great thing about technology is that it allows you to connect with people, learn new things, and explore new horizons." - Satya Nadella🍃

🌿🍃 "Technology is anything that amplifies human potential." - Jason Silva 🍃🌿
