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Discuss your ideas on how to Improve Learning in your community based on the readings.

In our community, I think one way to improve learning is to start from the children's community. The first learning environment for a kid is in the family. The second learning environment is in the school. An educated parent's teaching could result in a child's positive way of learning. Many families that neglect their child's learning could cause negative learning. environment for the child which leads to a difficult way of learning for a child. From my perspective learning should improve both in the community and school environment to build and develop a kid into a mature bright student. 

Many students fail to learn in school due to the lack of psychological needs not being provided or given. It is the first step in a child needs to help them continue and motivate them to engage in learning. Some can endure the situation but many students are left with no choice but to quit learning and do what they think might end well for them in the future. Another thing that affects a child's learning is how a teacher teaches and cares for their students. The teacher needs to have experience in teaching and caring for students at all times. Learning could be affected if a teacher plays favoritism in the classroom and it can hurt many students. Students going to school need to be encouraged by both families and the teachers. 

So, we should educate the parents and community to show their understanding in providing a positive learning environment for their child. Also, both parents and teachers should work together on how to teach the child by working together. Building a relationship bond with parents is one effective way of understanding the child's background. Thirdly, schools should hire effective and caring instructors to develop a fun learning environment. Many things could support learning and these are few things that lessen students motivation to learn.