Technical Team

Plans, Notes, Calendar, Zoom and Slack

2020 CRIM Tasks

2022 CRIM Tasks and Progress

2021 CRIM Tasks and Progress

2021 Summer Students

CRIM Intervals Development

CRIM Intervals Notebooks

EMA 2.0 Development

CRIM Django Vocabularies and Logic Updates

CRIM Django Voice and Person Metadata

CRIM Django Voice and Person Update Notes

CRIM Streamlit Metadata Viewer

  • Via our Streamlit Application (which allows for more nuanced filtering, visualization of charts, and export of results). This takes 1-2 minutes to launch, but is very useful. It will be updated to work with the new metadata formats in 2022. Code on Github.

MEI Metadata and Migration to MEI 4.0

MEI 2020 Metadata Updates Notes


