Interlibrary Loan

It's easy to borrow items from other libraries!

Simply fill out the form below.

What is interlibrary loan?

ILL allows us to borrow materials from other libraries that Perkins Library does not currently own.

Who is eligible to use ILL?

ILL services are available to current Hastings College students and employees.

What is the cost?

ILL requests are placed free of charge. Please note that cost for damaged or lost items may apply.

What materials are available through ILL?

A wide range of materials is available, including books, articles, DVDs, music and more.

View the full list of formats.

Although individual lending libraries may have policies that restrict the loan of certain items, we will do our best to obtain the items you request.

How do I place an ILL request?

You may submit a request online using the ILL Request Form for each item you'd like to borrow.

How long does it take to receive ILL material?

This depends on the type of format being requested.

Digital items typically arrive within a couple days.

Physical items that are shipped to the library may take up to ten days. Delivery time is dependent on the location of the lending library, mail service used, and type of item requested.

How will I be notified when my ILL arrives?

You will receive an email or chat message as indicated on your completed ILL request form.

Where do I collect and return ILL items?

Physical ILL items will be available at the Circulation Desk in Perkins Library.

Digital requests will be sent to your campus email.

Return borrowed ILL items to Perkins Library anytime using the red drop box located just outside the main doors. You may also use the drop box located at the circulation desk during open hours.

How long can I keep ILL material?

Due dates are determined by the lending library, although most lenders allow three to four weeks.

Can I renew my ILL?

Renewals occur at the discretion of the lending library. Renewal requests must be received before the due date via chat, email, phone, or in-person.


ILL is a courtesy extended from one library to another. We ask our patrons to respond in kind by searching Perkins Library resources first, respecting the lending library’s rules, making prompt use of the material, and returning the materials on time. Misuse of ILL jeopardizes the college’s borrowing privileges.


Borrowers are responsible for the return of ILL materials to Perkins Library by the lender’s due date. Borrowers will be assessed any fees or replacement costs by the lending library for materials that are late, damaged, or lost.

For more information, contact:

Alanna Armstrong
Department Assistant | 402.461.7701