
5th to 6th grade scheduling

With the exception of math and music, 6th grade students will take the same courses.  During the spring of their 5th grade year, the elementary schools collect data and determine which students are eligible for advanced math in 6th grade.  Students also have the choice of their music class. Courses are entered into skyward in late spring of their 5th grade year.  During the summer the principal creates the 6th grade schedule and students and families will be able to see their schedule during orientation just prior to school starting in late August.  

6th to 7th grade scheduling

Just as in 6th grade, 7th grade courses are the same for all students with the exception of math and music.  Courses are entered into skyward during the spring of their 6th grade year.  The school counselor will discuss with the students the courses they will be taking in 7th grade during their guidance class in May.  Students can view their courses in skyward scheduling tab and are encouraged to show their parents.

7th to 8th grade scheduling

7th graders begin the scheduling process for their 8th grade year in February.  8th grade students have the opportunity to choose which specialty courses they want to have scheduled.  To help in this decision process, 7th graders gather for an assembly and listen to the specialty teacher explain the courses they teach in 8th grade. Students make their choices on the 8th Grade Electives Form (copy below) and are required to to have their parents sign off on the courses they choose. This process is completed in Early March.  The school counselor meets with the students during one of their main subject courses in late May to review the course selections.  Students can view their course selections in the skyward scheduling tab.  Students and parents have until early June to make any changes. 

8th to 9th grade scheduling

8th grade begins scheduling for their 9th grade year in February.  The school counselor visits with students in one of their main subject classes to discuss:

Students are strongly encouraged to discuss course selections with their teachers, parents and guardians.  Parents and Guardians are able to see the courses their child selected in March via Skyward Family Access.  Schedule changes will be accepted up until August 1st.  For more information, a link to the high school scheduling page is below.