Parent Involvement


Each Hartford Public School has its own School Governance Council (SGC) to help support the school, somewhat like a board of directors. Within each SGC, half of the membership is made up of parents of students at the school, with the other members coming from the school (including students), community and/or other partners. 

By becoming an SGC member – parent, teacher, administrator or community representative – you have the opportunity to play a pivotal role in supporting the mission and vision for your student’s school, and all students and all schools within the district.   

Renzulli Academy’s SGC meets the 3rd Monday of each month from 5:30-6:00. 

Become a SGC Member 


The PTO meets once per month. Notices are sent out to families with meetings days and times. 

Parent Volunteers

Renzulli Academy is always looking for parent volunteers.  If you are interested in attending field trips or helping at school, please click on the link below to complete the online application.  

Once approval is given from the district you will be eligible to volunteer. 

Parent Volunteer Application