Middle School Newsletters

Middle School Newsletter Week of April 5.pdf

Week of April 5

Hello Renzulli Families,


This is our 7th update highlighting assignments for the past 2 weeks and upcoming classroom events.  A few observations:

1) Students should be doing Mathia and Zearn assignments daily. Students continue to struggle with completing this part of their grade.  They need to do at least 1 assignment per day.  These lessons are part of the curriculum.  Take some part during the "Spring Break" to catch up on missing assignments.

2) We have seen limited number of students appearing during the tutoring sessions offered Monday to Thursday. If your child needs extra help, please use this service.  The link is: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk3MjA0ODQ1Mjkx?cjc=iym34ap   

3) The end of the marking period is April 9, 2021! 


 As always, thank you for your continued support.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or updates. 


   Renzulli Staff

Middle School News Letter March 8.pdf

Week of March 8

Hello Renzulli Families,

This is our 5th update highlighting assignments for the past 2 weeks and upcoming classroom events.  A few observations:

1) We have made some progress with students doing Mathia and Zearn assignments. (from 10% to 34%).  However, we need all students to participate in these lessons since it is part of the curriculum.  Please encourage our kids to complete these assignments.

2)We have a dedicated tutoring team from Sunday to Thursday. If your child needs extra help, please use this service if you need help.  The link is: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk3MjA0ODQ1Mjkx?cjc=iym34ap    

 As always, thank you for your continued support.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or updates. 


   Renzulli Staff

Middle School January 22.pdf

January 22 

Hello Renzulli Families,  


   This is our 2nd update highlighting assignments for the past 2 weeks and upcoming classroom events. All missing assignments are due by Jan 27, 2021.  Please remember that the marking period ends on Jan. 29, 2021.  The next report will be on Feb. 5, 2021.  I hope you find this helpful.  It is attached below to this email.    

    In addition, I would like to announce our new Homework Support Group.  You may have seen this in a previous announcement.  


Student Work Assistance Support Meets are here to help! 


Welcome to our new program that will begin Monday, January 25th. 


WHO: ALL Renzulli students grades 4th-8th 

WHAT: Virtual homework support  


(Student should join class and look for the meet link posted on the stream for that evening). 


WHEN: 6-7pm 

Sundays– Ms.Olmstead     Mondays– Ms.Ledger     Tuesdays– Mr.Ruiz     Wednesdays–Ms. Tea   Thursdays – Mr.Ruiz 


   As always, thank you for your continued support.  It is with your dedication that we are able to have our students achieve. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or updates. 


   Renzulli Staff 

Middle School Newsletter Week of January 7.pdf

January 7

Happy New Year Renzulli Families, 


   I hope this note finds you and your family well and happy.  I pray you all enjoyed a festive break with plenty of opportunities to rest and stay with your families. We are very excited to re-open this new calendar year with all of you! 


   I want to highlight a few things before the marking period ends on Jan. 29, 2021.  I’m sure you have all received Progress Reports indicating your child’s grade and assignments for this marking period.  All students will have an opportunity to make-up all missing working to improve their grade.  All assignments are due by Jan 27, 2021.  In addition, you will receive a biweekly report from teachers listing previous assignments and upcoming events so that you are aware of future lessons. It is attached below to this email.   


   I hope you will find this helpful as we continue during this academic year.  As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or updates.

   Renzulli Staff 

Middle School Newsletter March 22.pdf

Week of March 22

Hello Renzulli Families,

This is our 6th update highlighting assignments for the past 2 weeks and upcoming classroom events.  A few observations:

1) Students should be doing Mathia and Zearn assignments daily. This is not happening.  Please ensure that they perform at least 1 assignment per day.  These lessons are part of the curriculum.  Encourage our kids to complete these assignments.

2) We have seen limited number of students appearing during the tutoring sessions offered from Sunday to Thursday. If your child needs extra help, please use this service if you need help.  The link is: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk3MjA0ODQ1Mjkx?cjc=iym34ap    

 As always, thank you for your continued support.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or updates. 


   Renzulli Staff