Graduation Requirements


In order to graduate, a student must successfully complete a total minimum of 26 credits. Every student in grades 9-11 must be enrolled in no fewer than 7 credits per year. Students in grade twelve must be enrolled in at least 4 credits during the academic year. Students are permitted on campus only during scheduled class periods. Additionally, a fourth year student must enroll in all courses necessary to meet graduation requirements.

The principal has the authority to grant credit for courses taken at the college level or related educational experiences provided the student has been given prior approval to participate in such a program for credit. (These courses and experiences must be provided at the parent’s expense. The school is in no way liable for educational costs associated with college courses or other programs offered within or outside of the regular high school curriculum.) Credit may be awarded to regularly enrolled students who successfully complete an evaluation that assesses mastery of a planned course.

Subject Area Credit

English 4

Social Studies 3 or 4

Math 3 or 4

Science 3 or 4

Health 1

PE 2

*Electives 10

Total Required 26

  • A fourth credit must be obtained in the area of Math, Science, or Social Studies. STEAM Academy courses may be substituted as a 4th credit in one of the core areas.

  • Beginning with the class of 2023, students must score proficient or advanced on the Literature,

Biology and Algebra 1 Keystone Exams. The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) is

currently re-examining the current system of assessment and is developing the requirements for

graduation as it relates to the Keystone exams. Hanover High school continues its commitment

to providing students with quality instruction in all areas, and will keep students and families

informed of legislation regarding the Keystone Exams.

  • 6 credits are required to be a sophomore

  • 12 credits are required to be a junior

  • 19 credits are required to be a senior

  • The fourth year of high school shall not be required for graduation if a student has completed all

requirements for graduation.