4th Grade with Mrs. Bos

Week 36


We have a big project coming up THIS WEEK! We have been studying California's history, and students will be participating in a Wax Museum presentation on THIS FRIDAY, May 17th! It will be open for parents and families to come and visit in the afternoon at 1:30pm. Mark your calendars! Each student picked a famous Californian to study. Students have a packet we have been working on in class. The presentation with include a trifold board that we will work on in class (stay tuned for dates), a short speech (written in class), and a research paper (Also, written in class). Students will need a 'costume' of some form to dress like their chosen Californian. Please refer to the packet for any questions you may have, and contact me if you need any further clarification. 

What's happening

*Wear tennis shoes on Monday and Friday for PE (Link to Miss Walker's Website)

*Bring binders to and from school each day

*Early Out on Wednesday, May 8th (1:30)

*Famous Californian Presentations on May 17th

*Last Day of School! May 24th, 11:30 release

You will receive an email with the grades your student has received over this week.  Each week, this email will be in your inbox around Sunday Afternoon. Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  When reading the grades, please keep in mind: 

A = Absent

M = Missing

I = Incomplete

Grades will be updated weekly.


Math Homework packets are still being sent home. These packets go into the gradebook as a percentage of their math grade and they must turn them in completed each week. Please remind students to be responsible and turn them in! 

We are finishing our second fractions unit this week. The Unit test will be Tuesday, May 7th. Students took home a review on Friday to start studying.

We are actively working on our California History projects! Please be checking in with your student about their progress on this project. Students have written their speeches and need to work on memorizing them. The speech is only a few sentences, and they have a copy in their binder to practice with.

We are currently working through Unit 16 in our Roots curriculum. The last vocabulary/roots (and spelling) test will be on Friday, May 17th. Here is a helpful link from Quizlet that students can use to study.

*Most work that is not completed in class, as well as studying for tests, will be done as homework. This will be noted in the planner. 

Test on Friday, May 17th

(anim, carn, phys)

1. animal

2. animate

3. animator

4. inanimate

5. carnivorous

6. reincarnate

7. physical

8. physician

9. physics

10. physicist

Joshua 1:7-8

7 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.