Teacher Supervision

VDOE Licensure Renewal Manual

Mentorship/Supervision is a process by which an experienced professional provides assistance to one or more persons for the purpose of improving performance. Assistance may involve role modeling, direct instruction, demonstration, observation with feedback, development of plans, and informal contact. This option includes the supervision of field experiences of a pre-service student teacher or an intern in an approved teacher/principal preparation program. The option also may include mentor programs designed as part of the induction process for the beginning teacher or first-year administrator. 

A. Maximum number of points: 90 

B. Point value assignment: one point per clock hour 

C. Criteria: 1) Must assist an undergraduate student aide, undergraduate or graduate intern, pre-service student teacher, beginning teacher, or beginning administrator. Note: An activity should not be a routine employment responsibility. 2) Must have prior approval from the chief executive officer or designee. Prior approval for mentorship/supervision is a commitment that professional development points will be awarded for the activity. If job-related leave is being requested, the license holder must follow the guidelines in the personnel handbook of the employing educational agency. 3) Must be in conjunction with an approved educator/principal preparation program, undergraduate/graduate degree program, or a clinical faculty/mentor program sponsored by the employing educational agency. 

D. Verification (one or more of the following): 1) Participant list from college/university 2) Employing educational agency assignment list 

E. Examples: 1) Supervision of a student teacher in an approved teacher education program 2) Supervision of an intern in an approved principal preparation/graduate degree program 3) Mentoring a beginning teacher/beginning administrator during the first year of teaching/administration

Requesting Points

In order to align ourselves with the VDOE requirements for awarding points for those who supervise student teachers or other interns as outlined by the Licensure Renewal Manual (p. 13), our process for requesting these points has changed.  Please see below.

This information is also available on our Innovation & Professional Learning page (also accessible from the HCS Staff page).

1.  The student teacher/intern program must be through an approved college or university.

2. You must have prior approval from HCS. Email to Kimberly Sharpe (ksharpe@hampton.k12.va.us) in order to request prior approval.

3.  Activities that are "routine employment responsibilities" CANNOT count for your points (VDOE Licensure Renewal Manual, p. 13), even if they count for the student teacher/observer/intern's hours.

Important Information 

Student Teacher/Intern 
