Building, growing, & leading

Classroom Management

This page contains all of HCS resources for Classroom Management. Use the table of contents below for ease of access or scroll through all of the content. Contact one of the Induction and Development team members to create a Personalized Learning and Development Blueprint.

Gale E-Library Classroom Management Titles

Visit the HCS E-Library classroom management section to support your continued professional growth. Use the links below to view the books. 

Traditional Library Classroom Management Titles

35 clips are referenced throughout the book to help support the learning of:

We have both versions of the Teach Like a Champion resource. Under each book thumbnail,  click to access the 75 different clips that are referenced throughout the chapters:

Take Control of the Noisy Classroom

Rob Plevin has peaked much interest in Hampton City Schools with Take Control of the Noisy Classroom. Get a preview by reading chapter five or check out the book in our traditional library.

Wong and Wong 

Check out Harry and Rosemary Wong's books, The First Days of School and The Classroom Management Book. Here is a preview to the The Classroom Management Book, but we also have these in our traditional library. 

Structured Book Studies

All of our structured book studies are broken into 3 parts:

Each study has it's own Google Classroom that you would join to guide your learning. Here are your options:

Suppplemental Resources

Classroom Management Plans

Templates, Guides, and Examples to include, but not limited to:

ibestt— Integrating Behavior Support and Team Technology

Intervention guides from ibestt on the following topics: 

Use the overview of the guides to help narrow your support.

Rules, Routines, and Procedures

Examples of shared examples for elementary, secondary, and new hires.

How to Reduce Disruption Without Yelling, Begging, or Bribing

Teach 4 the Heart has resources available to help with classroom management:

Forms to Help You Grow Professionally

One of the most important things that you can do this school year is make a commitment to personal professional development. The ten forms here can help you make that commitment to being a true professional educator manageable.

First Day Scripts

Examples of first day scripts. 

Before School Checklist

This is a helpful checklist from Conscious Teaching to help prepare for the beginning of the school year

Family Contact Guide

Sample script for initiating contact with students' families.