Week 8

Soundscape creation

Using BBC Sound Effects , create a soundscape for one of the settings below. After you've created, we will test in groups to see if we can guess what your soundscape is inspired by.

Choose one of the following:

  • The beach

  • The big city

  • The woods/forest

  • A sports event (like a rugby game)

  • A noisy cafe

BBC Sound Effects link

Rumplestiltskin Play

Find a buddy and decide on your favourite part of the show…

Using art show us what that was

  • Sketch using sketching pencil

  • Chromebook and design a google drawing

  • Use coloured paper and create a mosaic - glue

  • Felt pen - poster

  • Use a photo that Ms O took and describe what you liked around it - making it look interesting

Matariki Daily5 2021