
Click on this link to get to the Kids National Geographic site and read about Captain Cook's voyage and find the answers to these questions.

  1. How old was captain Cook when he sailed to Australia?

  2. What subjects did Cook study?

  3. Was Cook a good student and how do you know (what evidence is there in the text?)

  4. Why is Cook considered a British national hero?

  5. How many voyages did Cook take in his life time?

  6. Afer Cook completed his work on the Transit of Venus, where did he goe next? Where did he go after that?

  7. What was Cook searching for on his second voyage.?

  8. On Cook's third voyage why did he have to turn back?

Watch the video below about sailing on The Endeavour

Tupaia was a Master Navigator - watch and listen about Tupaia's voyage on The Endeavour