
NCC Training


We have trained the Agents and Team Leaders with the initial release of Gov Notify functionality. This was done with a walk-through and hands-on trial session, where users could try a few journeys for themselves with guidance. They were also left with print and PDF guidance documents which follow step-by-step on how to navigate the interface.


We plan to have an online version of our guidance so that files don't get lost. This will make it easy to find for users so that they don't have to wait for an expert to show them.

Contextual Help

Throughout the interface are examples of contextual help, where users will have prompts or instructions to help them understand what to do by reducing cognitive load.

On Going User Research

On Going user research is envisaged to be achieved with the continued use of our Feedback Google Form which is prominently placed on the 'home' / landing page. The button on the interface is depicted in the screenshot. Agents will use this feature to tell us when things go wrong or not as expected. From this feedback, we will create tasks/bugs in Jira so designers and developers can work on resolving any issues.

User requirements are expected to evolve, such as 'Call types' needing to be reviewed and updated periodically.