Symphonic Band

Symphonic Band Concerts

Holiday Concert

Held in December, this concert features our Symphonic Band, Honor Choir, Wolfpack Choir, and Selected Soloists.

The Symphonic Band only has a matter of weeks to put this concert together following our competitive field season. This is also the last performance to hear our fall field show!

Festival Concert

Held in March, this concert features our Symphonic Band, Honor Choir, Wolfpack Choir, and Selected Soloists.

This concert is centered around classic and modern works that were written specifically for bands or transcribed from orchestral works.

Symphonic Pops Concert

Held in May, this concert features our Symphonic Band and Selected Soloists.

This concert is themed annually to celebrate a genre or theme in popular culture.

Some possible themes include Night at the Movies, Time Warp, and Best of the 80s.

Concert Tickets

Ticket Prices

Adults: $10

Students (K-12) with Student ID: $7

Children (5 and under): Free

Individual Concert Tickets vs Season Ticket Holders

Indiviudal Concert Tickets

This concert ticket option is at the door only and seating begins 10 minutes before the start of the show.

Season Ticket Holders

This concert ticket option allows you to get all your concert seats in one fell swoop!

While prices remain the same, seating for Season Ticket Holders begins 20 minutes before the start of the show, and their names are listed in our program.

Need to add tickets to your party? No problem! Add tickets at the door and retain your early entry for everyone in your party.

The purchase of Season Tickets begins in August 2021

Performance Attire for Symphonic Band

Black Slacks or Dress/Skirt

Leggings/yoga pants and black jeans are not permitted.

All skirts/dresses must be and appropriate length and accompanied by opaque black tights.

Black Dress Shirt or Black Blouse

Long sleeve or short sleeve shirts are fine. Polos are not permitted.

Blouses do not need to have a collar. T shirts are not permitted.

Black Dress Shoes with Long Black Socks

Marching shoes in good condition are also acceptable. Heels are acceptable provided you can walk in them. Tennis/skate shoes are not permitted.

(if you are wearing opaque black tights you do not need socks)

Financial hardship cannot bar students from participation. TEMPO can offer assistance.