Additional Career Exploration Resources:

Additional Career Exploration Resources:

Big Future

Choose one of your interests to get some ideas about possible college majors. What do you like to do? What makes you curious and excited to learn more?

Career Ed

Browse careers that are hiring in San Diego and Imperial Counties. This website can also help you find which of the community colleges or continuing education campuses in San Diego offer the programs you are interested in!

Find careers in Advanced Manufacturing, Transportation, Agriculture, Business, Education, Energy/Constructions, Health, IT, Digital Media, Life Sciences, Public Safety and more

California Employment Development Department

Use this website to assess the demand for particular jobs in specific areas.

Career Coach

Career assessment, browse careers and programs.

Career Zone California

Assess yourself, explore industry sectors and make money choices.

My Next Move

Search careers with key words, and browse careers by industry. Answer questions about the type of work you might enjoy and they will suggest careers that match your interests and training. Also available in Spanish here

O'Net Profiler

Browse groups of similar occupations to explore careers. Choose from industry, field of work, science area, and more. Note: O'Net is the owner of My Next Move.